I’ve been pretty busy lately and haven’t been able to update my blog as much as I have wanted to, so I will recap some of the highlights of the past month.
A lot has happened in the last few weeks from wild weather – a foot of snow one week, 80 degrees the next -to some exciting bird activity.
The goldfinch have been regular visitors to the finch feeder that I put up about a month ago. There are two types of goldfinch that have been visiting the feeder: American Goldfinch and Lesser Goldfinch.

In an update to a previous post regarding the Starling problem I was having…as you recall, I had affixed a popscicle stick over the hole of the Flicker nestbox I had put up. This worked for a couple of weeks and the persistence of the Starlings was too much. A Starling had begun filling the box with nesting material ranging from bark to grass to feathers to sticks. As of today, it appears that a pair of Flickers have taken over the box. The male Flicker was removing the grass and feathers while the female looked on from the side of the tree. This was a great sight to see. However, it wasn’t without a nice effort by the male Flicker to try to fit into the Chickadee box I had put up. Fortunately, the hole of that nestbox is ringed by a thin piece of slate to prevent other birds from creating a larger hole.
On a sad note, the pair of doves that were regular visitors are a pair no more. One was snatched up by a Cooper’s Hawk. I watched as it flung feathers everywhere in the snow. It was very interesting to see the circle of life in full swing, but after awhile I could no longer watch so I threw a snowball at the fence and it flew off with its catch. The lone dove is still a visitor and hopefully will not be the next victim.
Its beginning to finally look like Spring here in Denver. The grass is green, I’ve even mowed it once and the trees are starting to leaf out and flower.
That pretty much covers the past month of activity. I will promise to make a more concerted effort to keep updated.
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